doors are closed but will open again soon!
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Hello Lovely, 

I’m so pleased you’re here. 
Sounds like a cheese ball, but just knowing you’re reading this note warms my heart because… well, it’s kind of a love letter… a love letter from me to the Story you have inside you… that part of you that’s teeming with purpose and potential… and wow, it honours me just to see it in you!

So here it goes....

Consider this an official invitation....

You know that content is Queen and you need it in order to grow your business, but it’s exhausting just trying to figure out where to show up. 

Have you ever had this thought?

or maybe it's

You have huge ambitions for your glorious story!

perhaps a podcast, a YouTube channel, a weekly newsletter, but it’s all so overwhelming and you still can’t figure out how it will drive your business forward.

But you wanna feel

Confident in your content creation, like you know what you need to spend time on, what to outsource and what you can just scratch off that neverending to-do list.

Deep down you really want someone to help you create a Personalized FLOW for your Content that will align Your Story with a Solid Strategy...and give you a Timeline to make it happen.

Overwhelmed with the pace of social media and the comparisonitis and there’s this raging Goddess inside who routinely whisper-screams at you to ‘stop f**king scrolling’ and just do what you want’ but you have no idea how to heed her wisdom

Aligned with the effin' Goddess that you are. Like the woman who hears her inner voice, listens and does both life and business on her own terms, because you are creating your own success.

Exhausted by social media and sick off feeling like you need to shoehorn your unique business, content ideas and personality into a cookie cutter set of ‘must dos’ that frankly, feel like dirt to you

Free to be yourself and run your business to fit your life...and if you're being honest, you want to feel the exuberance of ditching the 'Gram...and spending all that extra time doing whatever the eff you want. 

Confused by all the options for creating content out there. Start a blog, get on Pinterest, launch a podcast, do a masterclass, build an email funnel. It feels like you’d need a clone of yourself just to sort through all the ‘shoulds’

You feel...

Gap between how you feel about your content and what you know you should be getting out of it.

And you're acutely aware that there's this nagging

but you
wanna feel...

but you
wanna feel...


Confident in your content creation, like you know what you need to spend time on, what to outsource and what you can just scratch off that neverending to-do list.

You feel...

Aligned with the effin' Goddess that you are. Like the woman who hears her inner voice, listens and does both life and business on her own terms, because you are creating your own success.

You feel...

I've been there...

It took me a long time to get over the guilt of spending tens of thousands on programs that promised the how of content strategy and then never got to it… (and left me wanting).

And then spending an equal amount on programs that were all how and couldn't explain the why… which made me feel like I was eating a hamburger minus the burger…. 

🍔Like wtf. This is just a bun.🍔

This is why I’m so excited to invite you to this SUPER COOL thing I’ve created and cooked up… 

It’s basically the mentorship and strategy equivalent of a Royale with Cheese AND extra pickles.

Story & Strategy

It’s for people just like you 
✔️Stretched in your business, but energized by your work and your mission. 
✔️Tired of all the ‘quick fixes’ and ‘social media gurus’ and deeply desiring a true, balanced, foundation and FLOW in your content and story.
✔️Seeking a next level mentorship to help you build a map from your content to your profit that feels GOOD.

and it's not like anything I’ve ever done before.  


It's called... 

Story & Strategy School is where you build and activate your Aligned and Strategic Content Flow.

So you can...

Skip to the school details!

finally start to leverage your Story to truly grow your business.

Most marketing gurus want you to believe that you need a simple 
ad or sales funnel that looks like this.

Other digital sellers will have you believe that if you build an email funnel like this, you'll turn on a tap full of gold and riches.

But do you want to know why those funnels don't resonate or work for people like you and me?

Because they don't allow space for PLAY, FLEXIBILITY and true creative FLOW. 

Your content is your business' 

And it looks and feels fluid and organic, like this


Strategic Playground

“Honestly, I feel like I have a much clearer idea of how to move forward with regard to content and sales strategy. I have always been confident in my zone of genius, but was lacking a clear path on how to convert that into an actual business. Now, I'm raring to go and the sky is the limit!”

"I really discovered a bunch of things I would have NEVER thought about. I look at [content strategy] in a more confident mind frame. I'm more focused and less scared to attack things and get things done. My analytics are on fire now that I am posting and paying attention to HOW I post and it's making a huge difference.”

Take it from my past students.
The combination of the story & the strategy is 🔥

- Anik waldeck

- megan o'keefe

YOU GOT IT. Because I don’t teach things I’ve never done. I teach from my winning strategies AND my failed strategies… cuz, radical transparency mentor, right here. 

With Story & Strategy School, YOU CAN DO WHAT FEELS GOOD AND QUITE LITERALLY EFF THE REST. (Hint: sister, there are tons of ways to show up that don’t involve being on Instagram or on camera… I can show you how!) 

You want growth in your business at a pace that feels natural, sustainable and good. You don’t want to be cranking out 8 million Instagram posts if it’s not necessary!

You value seeing how things come together… and have been looking for a MAP to get you to your goals for a while… 

YOU ABSO-FRICKEN-LUTELY GOT IT. (Yes… we actually do this thing called Content Mapping in Story & Strategy School…. And trust me when I say, it will blow your mind and put your mind at ease ALL AT THE SAME TIME)

You are all at once tired of ‘not being seen’ or feeling like you’re constantly ‘showing up’ on social media… and doing things that don’t feel good to you…

You right now 👇🏻

YOU GOT IT because in Story & Strategy School we work with your Story AND your Timelines so you can pace your business around your LIFE. (Don’t want to work Fridays? Want to take the summer off? Okay, let’s set that up now so you don’t BURN the EFF out in July or September… I speak from experience).


You In S&S

You want and deserve consistent support and mentorship to help keep you inspired and in action on content that attracts your clients and customers

You right now 👇🏻


You In S&S

You right now 👇🏻


You In S&S

You right now 👇🏻


You In S&S

I'm from the school of
'how can we make this

feel really good?

And, if I can humble brag for a hot minute… I’ve built a multi-six figure business by doing the simplest things I can do…and by going with THE FLOW. I'm also an award winning journalist, broadcaster, podcaster and strategist. I know a thing or two about producing purposeful content.

In 2012, I started my blog. (You might know it. It gets a s**t ton of traffic). HOW did I do it? I learned the path of least resistance to making money and building traffic. I stuck with it and now it makes me $50,000 a year in my sleep. (I double that when I put in a tiny bit of effort).

In 2018, I started a strategy agency and consultancy business. I learned how to attract clients, scale my business and bring in a quarter million dollars in my FIRST YEAR in business without complicated ad funnels, or paying to play. 

In May 2021, I launched the podcast production arm of my business. I learned how to attract the right clients, tell the right Stories and create content for C-suite executives and in less than four months, scaled that business to more than six-figures in revenue. 

Hey, I'm Erin...and

How did I do all of that? 

Tell me how to enroll now

Build a six-figure blog, a six-figure consultancy and a six-figure production company? 

I can tell you it wasn’t with a complicated business model or fancy pants funnel. 

Nope. Just a very simple combination of knowing what Story to tell and having a super simple strategy and content flow to make it happen.

In fact, the last program I offered SOLD OUT with just six emails and four Instagram posts over six weeks and without a 'launch'. (Hint: that's what's possible with FLOW!)

And that? That's what I want for you...

Screenshots of


based on what you're offering, your timeline and how you want your life to

In Story & Strategy School, you'll unlock 

Your Own Flow


You’ll come away with your own Content Map consisting of:

to anchor you and your values in a foundation that will serve your business for a long time to come.


to supplement your messages around new products, launches, new markets or even platforms.


to activate your clients and invite them to say ‘yes’ to what you’re offering. 



Together, we'll go through these phases

Identify your Personal Content Flow - In a VIP Group Intensive you’ll get super clear and aligned with how your content will inform how you attract clients and customers. Find your pillars, supports and magnets.


Uncovering your Personal Strategic Stories - Here’s where you’ll add your own personal magic to the mix. Identify your Power Stories and use them to intensify the effectiveness of your content.


Building and Actioning your Content Flow - Pull it all together baby! Here’s where you have a fully mapped plan to follow, refine and measure. Social media, blogging, newsletters, podcasts - let it flow!


Adding Fuel to your Flow - Now that you’re feeling the flow, create strategic opportunities for you to grow your business without increasing your workload. Bring on the HEAT with joint ventures, partnerships, PR and earned media.

Wanna know how we'll do that?
Here's the Plan.

Every month inside Story & Strategy School I will Teach you a New Strategy to Implement - blending the Why and the How (and often the What!) These powerhouse sessions run about 90 minutes and will dive deep into the tactics you can use to get your flow moving faster.

Monthly Live Workshops

Monthly Live Micro-Strategies

VIP Content Flow Resets

Social Media Strategy Training

School officially begins

Social media is constantly changing - that's why it burns us out so fast! Fear not. As a student in S&S School, you'll get access to EXCLUSIVE live trainings with Social Media Strategist Lindsay Stockall.

More like 30-minute micro-strategy trainings, these live sessions will be when I answer the top queries from students that month. Bring you specifics for Laser focused mentoring to get you over your major-minor blocks!

Slow down to speed up AND get sh*t actually done. Every few months, we will gather for a full 3-hour 'retreat'. A focused time for you to dedicate to ensuring your story and strategy feel and are fully aligned with you.

Read more about our retreats

Read more about our 10-in-10s

Read more about the monthly workshops

Read more about our social media training

VIP Find Your Flow Planning Day & Orientation

Once you are a student, you will attend your first Flow Planning Day. This is where in a very intimate setting, you will get clear on your goals and objectives and then start to build the outline of your content flow. Receive direct feedback from me on the platforms to focus on and the additional resources you can tap into to start seeing results and momentum. This is the day we'll answer questions like: What platforms will you use? What Stories will you tell? What's YOUR personal plan?

Story & Strategy

School Exclusive

Live Monthly Workshops

These Live and Interactive Monthly Trainings will be on strategies such as: 

✔️Selling with Story
✔️Creating lead magnets that convert
✔️How to build a simple email funnel beyond your welcome sequence
✔️Audience growth hacks that DON’T use social media
✔️SEO Crash Course and Blogging hacks
✔️Content funnels and Strategic Story Planning
✔️Prepping for podcast interviews and PR opportunities
✔️More topics added as School proceeds!

Every training will start with teaching and end with group discussion and questions. Lots of time and opportunity to soak it all in no matter what your learning style may be! (And everything is recorded for you to watch back again!)

value 8000 cad

Story & Strategy 

School Exclusive


These are more like 30 minute SPEED trainings, where I will answer the top 10 questions from students.

Incredible to power up your accountability and boost your biz with some fun micro-strategies that’ll keep your energy high!

This is where you receive laser mentoring on the exact questions that are coming up for YOU based on what is happening in your business and where you are diving into the Library… 

value 1500 CAD

Story & Strategy 


Story & Strategy 


Story & Strategy 


plus...what would a school be without a library?
this is why in Story & Strategy School, you get access to my entire volume of current courses & programs.

Holy Sh*t, Erin, I'm ready to enroll!

Every program in the S&SS library correlates directly to what you will need in order to activate your content flow. 

in 2022

REad more about stories for a year

Read more about Pinterest Party

Read more about the Organic Traffic Academy

Read more about The Simple Story Solution

This is a 3-class foundational program to help you navigate and tweak your flow after we've had our VIP Intensive.

The Simple Story Solution

Learn the fundamentals of Stories Well Told so you can develop your inner storytelling master. 
This 6-module program will illuminate the Power of Stories in business, breaking down concepts such as: 

✔️The building blocks of a great story
✔️How to understand your own Story and use it to fuel your business
✔️Using your Ideal Client’s Story to your advantage
✔️Story writing and visioning techniques used by professionals that will help you blast through writer’s block and SOUND confident and clear

Recommended learning when you're diving into your PILLAR CONTENT.

“Erin. Thank you. That Story Strategy - that’s some next level Magic right there.”
- Irene Macabante


The Organic Traffic Academy

Talk about strategy in action! This 8-module (plus bonuses) program will give you EVERYTHING you need to master the art of Blogging, Long Form Content and driving unpaid, Organic Traffic to your website - no Zuckerberg here!
This program is no-fluff and ALL strategy with walk-throughs, screen shares and step-by-step guides to build your strategic content properly.

Learn things such as: 

✔️The PROPER way to brainstorm content ideas
✔️How SEO works and why you’ll fall in love with it
✔️How to read and use Google Analytics to your advantage
✔️How to craft content so that it appears on Page 1 of Google
✔️The power of Data Storytelling and why it’s the fuel your business is missing


Pinterest Party

Welcome to the happiest growth platform on the Internet! I created Pinterest Party as a separate powerhouse program after basically ALL my past clients told me they wanted to know about VIABLE alternatives to Instagram. 

In this super packed Pinterest Party you will: 

✔️See the true Power in Pinterest (hint: it’s the world’s third largest search engine!)
✔️Know how to batch create your content (in about ½ a day per month!) or outsource it to a VA or team so you can start to build long term traffic through search
✔️Strategically build your Pinterest ‘top of funnel cake’ to drive cold leads into your business that actually want what you have to offer


"My biggest fear (like many amateur bloggers) was how on earth people find you. I have a significantly stronger grasp on SEO strategies, utilizing Pinterest, and how to interpret analytics. I now feel confident that by implementing the strategies Erin has taught my blog will continue to grow. She has given me the tools to built what I've envisioned." 
-Mandy Cavasin

Stories for a Year

Because everyone needs a professional strategist in their pocket to motivate them and keep them fresh and creatively charged! 

This is a small-but-mighty program offering you monthly curated content plans directly to your inbox! (We can even deliver them weekly if you need an extra kick in the butt!) 

With Stories for a Year, you’ll also unlock a slew of bonus workshops that are not available anywhere else, including: 

✔️Masterclass workshop on repurposing content to save time
✔️Workshop on creating the perfect opt-in 
✔️Building a pitch deck for your PR and podcast pitching
✔️Masterclass on how to get incredible testimonials from clients


But you need more than training and a program vault…. You also need focus and some guide posts along the way… 

Leverage existing Stories and Content to Build Business Momentum

Turn up the Traffic


Story & Strategy 

Build your High Converting, Feel Good, Content Funnel

From Content to Cash


So in Story & Strategy School, we also have VIP Content Flow Reset Days, so you can spend ONE day every few months doing a gut check and making sure you’re absolutely aligned with your plan.

School Reset Days

Scroll back up

"I know so much more now than I did before. So much of what we learned in the program I didn't even know was a thing. I feel like I have organized my content and know what content to strategically put out and what my audience wants from me."

"AMAZING! I had no direction before Erin's course. Now I feel like I have a content map and see how all the pieces fit together."

The difference focus + mentorship can make in your business is undeniable.

- breyen wee

- sara mccarthy

“Working with Erin has changed my approach completely to my business. When we began I didn’t know how exactly I was going to take this idea and spin it into a money making reality. Erin knew exactly what I needed before even having our first chat. Her approach to my content and potential sales was so unique and thanks to that, it is helping me stand out as a leader in my field.”

- Tosh taylor

“I had no strategy before so now this feels like I know where I’m heading with it. [It's] priceless how Erin can draw out what seems like simple information and make it make sense and be useful.”

- Annette hÉbert


Because it’s still REALLY important to understand the POWER of Social Media!
And if your Content Flow is based on you making sales within 90 days or less, I guarantee Social Media will be on your Map. This is why, when you are enrolled in Story & Strategy School, you will get Exclusive Access to 


But that's not all...

3 LIVE Social Media Boss Workshops 

with none other than Social Media Phenome Lindsay Stockall

More about social media strategy days

Scroll Back Up

Story & Strategy

School Exclusive

LIVE Social Media Boss Workshops

In these live 90-minute interactive workshops, Lindsay will help you plot out and take action on your social media so that you feel confident using platforms that will truly help you grow. 

Workshops will cover things like: 

✔️Instagram Growth and top trends - how to jump on the latest tips and trends to attract the RIGHT audience to your business 
✔️Selling in the DMs and building a DM Funnel - yes! You can use a funnel strategy in the direct messages on Facebook or Instagram. Lindsay will show you how to activate this for your business. 
✔️Strategy Tune Ups - how to increase engagement, read your metrics and pivot your strategy accordingly; oh and how to strategically use Facebook and Instagram ads to sell your stuff
✔️Hot Topics - listen, we know how fast things change on social right? So we’re leaving some flexibility here because Lindsay is on top of *ish like no one else and she’ll want to have at least one training dedicated to the next-thing-that-we-don’t-even-know-exists-yet. 

value 3000 cad

And now you're waiting for the other shoe to drop

because I’ve just buttered you up and told you all the things you want to hear… about the exact program you have been looking for… 

You’re bracing for impact and waiting to be hit over the head with a massive price tag. 
Because you just added up the off-the-shelf value of all the things in this program to well over $22,000 and you’re like FAAAAAAACK I want this, but I can’t afford this… 

But you
*can afford this.

So here’s where I get to be like Gal Gadot (wicked hot AND an outstanding human being) and tell you that you can enroll in Story & Strategy School RIGHT NOW for 


a one-time payment of
6000 CAD*

6 equal payments of
1000 CAD

*And when you choose the Pay-in-Full Option, I will gift you with my Story Strategy Springboard Program (value $297) that’s quite literally not available ANYWHERE else!

PLUS - we onboard new students on the third week of each month! So you could have your tush in an S&SS seat soonest!!

doors are closed but opening again soon! Book a call to secure your spot for the next enrolment!

Book a call

If I'm being honest... I can't tell you what exactly will happen when you enroll

Chantel Lemieux, a podcaster and biz owner from my 2019 Academy Program.

But I can tell you that every time I open space in a group, and create momentum around women's stories and their strategies...
transformation follows.

And I'm not in the habit of holding back. Ever.

This comment from style coach Amanda Hanson. She learned about copy and content funnels in one of my acclerator programs in 2020.

Financial advisor Chrissy Hollis was in the same accelerator and said this...

These comments about me from the women in the last Year Long experience I ran, The Strategy Collective in 2020-2021.

You're in Story & Strategy School...

So you can now...

Feel like you actually have options for how to grow your business in a well-rounded, non-frantic way

Know you have a community of support PLUS an experienced, super honest, and often hilarious, mentor to help guide you through your challenges (no more feeling alone!!) 

See and build a map that will truly get you to your measurable and immeasurable goals! Hello consistent five figure month AND no longer working on Fridays!

Understand all the things - the what, the how and the why behind your strategies so you are never left wanting again… 


Now here’s some human to human truth … 

Dearest Lovely,

Story & Strategy School is a supportive place where you can grow and flourish and test new things in a safe space. It’s a place of learning and mentorship. 

But I am going to tell you straight up - do not enroll if: 

You aren’t interested in learning or just want an easy pill to build your biz.

You don’t have an ‘offer’. It doesn’t have to be a proven offer or a high-ticket offer. But to get the most out of Story & Strategy School, it’s best if you have something you’d like to bring to market or scale in some way.

You are terrified of being online or showing up in ANY way. If you don’t want to show your face on camera - fine. But if you are paralyzed, traumatized or totally blocked by the idea of ‘someone seeing you be on the Internet’, this is not the place for you.

You aren’t ready to change the current narrative around your business and your digital presence - because this program is going to SHIFT your thinking in the best possible way.

I need you to understand my true WHY for creating Story & Strategy School right now… 

From me to you… 

2020 was a rough year for me (and for us all, right?)
I had my second baby. 
I had a business to run. A business that despite the global pandemic and having a baby, I grew 300%. 
I also was diagnosed with Postpartum Traumatic Stress Disorder after I almost died giving birth. 

It all came flooding down in mid-2021 when I almost threw in the towel. I think I told my husband that I wanted to ‘just move to an island and eat pineapples and drink coconut juice all day’. 

But because he knows me… he said, maybe a vacation when we can go… but how about using your powers to shift the energy back to balance? 

And that’s how School came to be.

Tell me how to enroll now

My students need: 

Learning materials based on WHY we do things and HOW we do things - like building a content funnel, crafting content for SEO, building a podcast strategy and so on.

Integration time - meaning you can learn at your own pace… 

The ability to ask questions in a SAFE and non-judgemental space - no HOT seats where one person feels put under a microscope while the rest of the group sorta pays attention… like real GROUP dynamic mentorship is the sweet spot.

And the final thing my students ALL need? 

Me. They need ME to show up, be a cheerleader AND to give them the insights that ONLY I CAN OFFER. 

I stripped back all the unnecessaries and one-by-one, in simple steps, added back in only what was TRULY needed to help my clients succeed. 

"This will be the BEST investment you will make for your business! Erin Trafford is not only a Story strategist but a special Magician who can pull your very own brilliance and put it into actionable steps to make your dreams come true!"

"Erin, I want to thank you for pulling out of me what I never would have been able to uncover myself. You brought my soul into the light. I am so lit up to start serving the world in a more expansive way."

Insights, action, growth, expansion...

-Jessica Goguen

- brittany hachey

"Erin, we love your energy and loved working with you. Thank you so much for coaching us - we now know how to leverage our content to accelerate our growth. You're a genius content strategist and a beautiful soul. We're so blessed to know you."


"I had no idea the first step of monetizing before - so I now feel like I can build a solid strategy based on multiple different streams that will work for my brand"

- Kaleigh CHiasson

Let’s look at what you get with your School enrolment one more time: 

Value 8000+ CAD

Monthly Exclusive Live Strategy Sessions and Trainings to get you laser clear on what to work on and why.

Live Monthly Mentoring workshops

I go live on our School Facebook page to answer the Top 10 questions from the group in a quick 10 minute burst (usually more like 30 mins, but who’s counting?)

Monthly 10-in-10 sessions

By the way, we’ll also have an Exclusive ‘School’ Facebook Group so you can network and be in community with other fun people who are ready to put their Stories to good use in their businesses!

Our exclusive fb community group

- The Simple Story Solution (Value 1500 CAD)
- The Organic Traffic Academy (Value 1500 CAD)
- Pinterest Party (Value 800 CAD)
- Stories for a Year (Value 550 CAD) 
- Content Flow Foundations (Value 550 CAD)
- Podcast Power Funnel (Anticipated Value 2000 CAD)


By the way, we’ll also have an Exclusive ‘School’ Facebook Group so you can network and be in community with other fun people who are ready to put their Stories to good use in their businesses!

Our exclusive fb community group

Value 6900+ CAD

Each a 3 hour intensive workshop to build up your content funnels and plans and get clear AF on WHO you are and the success you are going to claim. 


Value 2000+ CAD

Because we are building a diverse plan for your content, we NEED to understand how to leverage social media without losing our minds. Every six weeks, we’ll meet for a 90-minute to two hour deep dive session on a specific social strategy that will move your business forward. 


Value 3000+ CAD

Find your Flow with targeted, personalized mentorship and advice in this extremely intimate vessel. Consider this your orientation to the flow of your business and content. It's where you get to decide how you want to BE in this business of yours!

Plus kick it all off with your vip content flow planning day

Value 2500 CAD

None of these prices are inflated. I've listed them exactly as I've sold them each individually. 
Working with me as a private client right now starts at a 10,000 CAD investment. 
Story & Strategy School is how *I get to show up in my biggest light for YOU and do it in a way that lets you feel GOOD and EXPANSIVE. 

Can you hear her? She's whisper screaming 'THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!'

Because you get to enroll in Story & Strategy School NOT for $22,000, but for either


a one-time payment of
6000 CAD*

6 equal payments of
1000 CAD

*And when you choose the Pay-in-Full Option, I will gift you with my Story Strategy Springboard Program (value $297) that’s quite literally not available ANYWHERE else!

That's about $22,400 worth of top level mentoring, support and access... 

doors are closed but opening again soon! Book a call to secure your spot for the next enrolment!

Book a call

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this program have a start and finish? 

When you commit to enrolling in Story & Strategy School, it’s a six month engagement. 

What happens when I enroll?

We will celebrate! And you will be granted access to our student dashboard and into our Facebook group, so you can dive in right away! You will also be given the link to our call calendar and events.

What about the VIP Retreat days? What if I can’t make it? 

All our events and calls are recorded for students to catch up on if they miss them live. If you can’t make a VIP retreat day, that’s alright! This is why we have four per year. If you make it to just two, you will still be coming away with immense value and strategic planning for your year. 

Is there any 1:1 time with Erin in this program? 

Not at this time. But Erin does live teach for the group each month and will be doing the bi-weekly live sessions in the Facebook Group. When 1:1s become available again, students in Story & Strategy School will be given priority for booking. 

What happens after the six months?

Content flows can take a while to develop - especially if you have more than one on the go! So once your first six months is up inside S&SS, you have the option of renewing your enrollment for a second six month term for 50% of your first term’s rate! Your renewal must be activated at least 14 days before your first six month term is up. 

There’s a SHIT TON of resources in this School. Do I have to take ALL these programs??

In a word, no. :) You have the option of taking as many or as few of the library resources as you want. Once you have decided on your Content Flow, we will direct you to the program (and even specific lessons therein) that will match your plan the best. 

For example, if you are going to focus on Podcasting and not Pinterest, you’ll want to take Podcast Power Funnel and not Pinterest Party. Any additional questions or support you need will come through the 10-in-10s and the monthly live workshops!

I know this was a lot to take in. 
If I’m being honest, this school was a big project for me to birth!

So I understand if you want to talk it over before fully committing. If that’s the case, grab a spot on my calendar here and let’s talk over how you’re going to get the most out of Story & Strategy School. 

And if you’ve reached this point on the page, read every word and you’re unsure… then I will default to my witchy ways and suggest you get still and listen to your inner voice. 

If that All Knowing Goddess inside you is whisper screaming ‘it’s time! Do the thing!’ … then come join us in School.

Peace and Love

Erin xoxo

doors are closed but will open again soon!
Book a call to be first on the waitlist

click to book your call now